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Prevalence of psoriatic arthritis and comorbidities in patients with severe psoriasis: Data of a retrospective analysis of a hospital cohort


Objective: to study the prevalence of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and comorbidities in a hospital cohort of patients with severe psoriasis (PsO).

Patients and methods. Case history data were retrospectively analyzed in 592 patients with PsO (348 men and 244 women; mean age, 49.2±0.6 years; mean PsO duration, 11.8±0.6 years; mean Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), 49.4±0.5 scores) who had been treated at the Branch of the V.G. Korolenko Clinic, Moscow Research and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, in 2010 to 2011. The diagnosis of comorbidities was confirmed by medical specialists in accordance with the ICD-10 code; the rate and pattern (%) of comorbidities were analyzed.

Results. Out of the 592 patients with PsO, 503 (85.1%) were found to have comorbidities. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVS)
(I00–I199) were recorded in the majority (61.6%) of the patients. PsA (L40.5, M07.0–M07.3) was detected in 39.4% of the examinees. Other diseases of the skeletomuscular system unassociated with psoriasis (M00–M99) were present in 27.6% of the patients. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and hepatobiliary system (K00–K93, B15–B19) were found in 47.5% of the patients. Endocrine diseases, nutritional and metabolic disorders (E00–E90), particularly diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, and obesity, were diagnosed in 12.2, 24, and 88% of the patients with PsO, respectively. 13.9% of the patients with PsO had urinary tract diseases, among them there was chronic pyelonephritis (N20), kidney cysts (N28.1), urolithiasis (Q61), prostate diseases (N11) in 73, 71, 47, and 27% of cases, respectively.

Conclusion. Most patients with severe PsO were observed to have comorbidity, primarily diseases of the locomotor apparatus, CVS, and GIT. PsA was recorded in more than one third of patients. Comorbidity was identified in 36% of the patients with PsO.

About the Authors

N. V. Batkaeva
RUDN University
Russian Federation

Faculty for Advanced Training of Medical Workers

21, Miklukho-Maklai St., Build. 3, Moscow 117198

T. V. Korotaeva
V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology
Russian Federation
34A, Kashirskoe Shosse, Moscow 115522

E. A. Batkaev
RUDN University
Russian Federation

Faculty for Advanced Training of Medical Workers

21, Miklukho-Maklai St., Build. 3, Moscow 117198


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